Longfonds.nl - a central platform offering support and reliable information to the 1.2 million people in The Netherlands that are living with lung disease.

The 'single purpose, single touchpoint' approach used by Longfonds.nl served a wide range of target groups in the Netherlands for many years. However it resulted in a fragmented online identity and digital landscape. Longfonds asked iO to build a website to help with brand consistency and create a clearer cohesion between the different platforms so that they could better communicate their mission to inform, connect, and activate their different target groups. This became the new central platform Longfonds.nl that was built in Drupal 9.

Case description

For 1.2 million people in the Netherlands, breathing is not a simple fact of life, it’s hard work because they have lung disease.

Longfonds was present on many different digital platforms and needed clarity and cohesion. The lack of brand consistency and the absence of a clearly communicated proposition did not help their mission to eradicate respiratory illnesses and make the lives of patients with lung diseases healthier and happier.

They tasked iO with the optimisation of their digital strategy so that they could better serve their wide range of target groups, while focusing on doing the things that would help them achieve their mission.

An optimised service (digital and offline) puts the target group first.
We formed a multi-disciplinary team with UX designers, creatives, Drupal developers and a project manager to work on this important project.

We divided our work on this new platform into four phases:

1. discovery phase – for the definition of digital startegy, the determining of online goals and most importantly, to really get to know the target groups.
2. design phase – the design of the interactive interface, the information architecture
3. 0 sprint – preparation for the realisation
4. realisation - realisation and technical development

Longfonds target groups were central to this project. We gave them realistic identities in the form of personas. We conducted workshops, carried out customer journey mapping & ideation, but it was the interview based user research with the target group that really helped us to validate our ideas. The central positioning of the customer journey helped us to define the digital customer journey, and the role that the website would play in the future for people with respiratory problems and Longfonds.

Case goals and results

Longfonds.nl should be a leading website for people looking for information on respiratory illnesses in The Netherlands.

Longfonds.nl is now the leading destination and central to the realisation of the Longfonds’ mission to help people that have questions or concerns about respiratory illnesses. When website visitors arrive at Longfonds.nl they have arrived at the central location for all information about lungs, lung diseases, healthy living and current research. The site encourages visitors to connect with the support and information they need, and connects visitors through conversations, personal stories and meetups.

We formulated the following focus points:

Longfonds.nl informs
The website fulfills an authority role with integrity by offering an accessible library that is filled with content that’s relevant, reliable and validated. Their scientific research into air quality, lung diseases and life with lung diseases is presented on their website.

Longfonds.nl engages and activates
Besides helping and informing people about lung diseases, the Longfonds.nl platform is integral to the organisation’s fundraising activities. The website is an important way for donors and benefactors to connect and presents all of the ways in which they can help the cause in a location they can trust.

Longfonds.nl connects and helps
While formulating the digital strategy, it became clear that the target group has a strong need for connection. That is why Longfonds offers both digital and physical activities via its website. These activities enable people to start conversations with fellow sufferers and lung experts. Longfonds also gives important information about lung diseases. There are two tests for Asthma and COPD and information about these lung diseases.

Examples of noticeable changes for the user are:

- One Central Platform
- Clear navigation
- Brand Consistency
- Clear proposition “messaging”
- Meaningful content
- The provision of support in every step of the patient journey (with the exception of diagnosis)

Built in Drupal 9
Longfonds.nl is built in Drupal 9. We chose open source because it is secure, modular and expandable and offers excellent integration options for the Longfonds back office operation. The Drupal 9 CMS means that the Longfonds.nl ecosystem is easy to maintain and can be expanded to include new content and functionality developments in the future. At iO we are proud of being an active part of the Drupal developer community. Our commitment to excellence for both Longfonds and Drupal means that on one hand we can provide the very best, expert support to our client while on the other hand we are constantly gaining new knowledge and experience that becomes our contribution to the future Drupal developments.

Drupal 9 offered Longfonds.nl a scalable and well-secured environment where we can lay strong technical foundations for further development during our partnership.

A site with impact
Since the relaunch in 2021 Longfonds.nl has welcomed more than 4 million unique visitors to Longfunds.nl with 11.7 million page views.
Longfonds.nl self-assessment and information pages provide users with easy access to guidance and information

16,000 completed asthma tests (https://www.longfonds.nl/astmatest)
70,000 completed COPD tests (https://www.longfonds.nl/doe-de-copd-test)

The page with information about healthy air (Longfonds.nl/gezondelucht) where you can test the quality of air in your street is used more than 3.5 million times. When you enter your postcode and house number, you get to see the quality of air of that specific street and, more importantly, you get information about healthy air and tips how to improve the quality of air.


It was essential that Longfonds.nl could support the submission of webforms directly to multiple third party external sources.

Using Drupal and Webforms extensive plugin architecture we were able to add plugins to massage submitted data and sync that data to third party backends in a format that could be processed by the backend.

Our dedicated Drupal team worked on the modular technical integrations to support the developing needs of Longfonds and their colleague organisations.

The technical specs:
- Built in Drupal 9
- Mobile-first (UX) design
- The potential for A-B testing using Visual website optimiser
- Comprehensive site searching including a proximity search
- Component based with Paragraphs
- Meeting established quality standards for performance, SEO, accessibility and GDPR compliance
- Custom donation widgets that integrate with Buckaroo
- Custom Webform plugins for field and form handling for 3rd party data formatting and submissions

Community contributions

We helped to move existing patches forward for both Drupal core and used contributed modules.
The experience and knowledge that we have gained during the migration from earlier versions of Drupal and design and build of the current Longfonds.nl platform in Drupal 9 will be shared with the Drupal developer community.

But our main contribution is the case itself. A platform built with Drupal, that makes a positive impact on so many people with lung disease, that’s the kind of contribution we can be proud of.



Date when website went live

2 years 9 months ago